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핵은 어떤가?
색 전하
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쿼크는 글루온을 방출한다
나머지의 강력
상호작용 요약
파울리의 배타원리
페르미온과 보존
되돌아 볼 것들
섹션의 끝
Testing a theory
Searching for the atom's structure
Rutherford's result
Rutherford's analysis
How physicists experiment
Deflected probe
Detecting the world
A better microscope
Wavelength - The cave
Wavelength - The moral
Wavelength and resolution explained
The physicists tool: The accelerator
Waves and particles
The world's meterstick
Mass and energy
Energy-mass conversion
How to obtain particles to accelerate
Accelerating particles
Accelerating particles: Animation
Accelerator design
Fixed target experiments
Colliding beam experiment
A linear or circular accelerator
What makes particles go in a circle?
Advantages of accelerator design
Major accelerators
The event
Detector shapes
Modern detectors
Typical detector components
Measuring charge and momentum
Detector cross section
Quiz - Particle tracks
The computer reconstruction
A quark/gluon event
The end
섹션의 끝
The Role of the Higgs Boson
The Theory of 1964
The Boson
What is the Mass of the Boson?
Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider can produce many things
The Announcement
Fireworks on the 4th of July
The Higgs Boson decays into other particles
Easy to Detect
How a Higgs boson "event" might look in ATLAS
An example of an actual event with a possible Higgs decay
What is the Mechanism giving mass to fundamental particles?
What is the Mechanism giving mass to fundamental particles? Part 2
How Does the Higgs Boson get its Mass?
Finding the Mass of the Higgs Boson
Finding the Mass of the Higgs Boson, Part 2
Finding the mass of the Higgs from its Decay Products
The data for Higgs boson come with a background
Time evolution of Higgs Boson Data
The Data for Higgs Boson Decaying to two photons
Shortcomings of the first data
Is this particle really the Higgs Boson? Does it swim and quack like a duck?
Where does most of the mass of the universe come from?
If there was no Higgs?
So if there was no Higgs, what would the universe be like?
Is this Higgs Boson the Higgs Boson of the Standard Model?
There is more to life than the Higgs Boson!
섹션의 끝
Beyond the standard model
The standard model as a theory
Three generations
Grand Unified Theory
Forces and the Grand Unified Theory
String theory
Extra dimensions
Dark Matter
섹션의 끝
What is decay?
Radioactive particles
Confusion about decays
A look into the nucleus
If it can happen, it will
Half life
Missing mass
Particle decay mediators
Virtual particles
Different interactions
Bubble chamber and decays
Neutron beta decays
Electron / positron annhiliation
Top production
섹션의 끝
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조각가: 로댕(Rodin)
생각하는 사람(The Thinker)